Rent-A-Hitman is no longer affiliated with P-Diddy, Diners Club, the Las Vegas Raiders, the Illuminati, Joe & Kamala, Jake Paul, New Jersey Drones, or the Hawk Tuah girl. Legal mumbo jumbo, contractual restrictions, and maybe a restraining order or two got in the way. It happens.
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All Rights Reserved. Now scram, and don’t forget the cannoli!
Serious talk here: Guido really needs your backing to keep the site operational. The expenses for hosting and administration have gone through the roof, forcing us to let go of 63 Field Operatives just to balance our books.
This platform functions much better with a little caffeine boost. Would you be so kind as to fetch Guido a cup of coffee before things get out of hand? It's not mandatory, but every sip counts! Capisce?
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